Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this regulation is to stipulate all matters for the efficient operation of Yonsei University 『BK21FOUR Sustainable Chemistry Education and Research Group』 (hereinafter referred to as the “Education Research Center”).
Article 2 (Composition) The Education Research Center is composed of participating professors, graduate students, new research personnel, and administrative personnel belonging to the Department of Chemistry. A cooperative committee may be established. Article 3 (Roles and Responsibilities of Members) The roles of members of the Education Research Group are as follows. ① Professor: Supervises affiliated graduate students and new research personnel, and strives for the research, education, internationalization and development of the Department of Chemistry of the Education Research Center. ② Graduate students: Admission, completion, and graduation follow Yonsei University graduate school regulations. Graduate students belonging to the Education Research Center can receive scholarships from the 『BK21FOUR』 project, and strive to observe research ethics and conduct cutting-edge research. ③ New research personnel: Appointed after deliberation by the Education Research Group Steering Committee, strive to observe research ethics and conduct cutting-edge research. ④ Administrative manpower: Appointed after deliberation by the Education Research Group Steering Committee, and in charge of the Education Research Group's administrative tasks. Article 4 (Detailed Organization) The roles of detailed organizations within the Education Research Center are as follows. ① Research Group Head: As the representative of the Education Research Group, he oversees all matters related to the general operation of the Education Research Group and has the final decision-making power. ② Deputy Head: Performs tasks related to the operation of the Education Research Group in consultation with the Head of the Research Group, and acts on behalf of the Head of the Research Group in the absence of the Head of the Research Group. ③ Advisory Committee: Advise the head of the research center on the mid-to-long term development of the educational research group, research direction, educational policy, and overall operation of joint research. ④ Steering Committee: For the efficient operation of the Education Research Group, it enacts and deliberates on detailed rules for the overall operation of the Education Research Group, and reviews the budget and settlement of accounts. In addition, the overall evaluation of the Education Research Group and the contribution of participating professors to research and education are evaluated fairly in accordance with the bylaws, and the results are reported to the BK faculty meeting. Evaluate the research achievements of participating graduate students and new research personnel and report the results to the BK faculty meeting. ⑤ BK Faculty Meeting: It is convened by the head of the research group and all professors from the educational research group participate. The budget settlement and evaluation results determined by the Steering Committee are voted on, and decisions are made through a majority vote. ⑥ Board of Education: Performs tasks such as improvement of graduate school curriculum and establishment of new graduate schools, and preparation of standards related to admission and qualification tests, rewards, and master's and doctoral qualifications. ⑦ Research Promotion Committee: Performs tasks related to the promotion and promotion of cooperative research within the Education Research Center. ⑧ International Cooperation Committee: Responsible for internationalization of education and research, such as international joint research, long-term and short-term overseas training and dispatch of new research personnel and participating graduate students, and participation and holding of international academic conferences.
Article 5 (Composition) The Steering Committee is composed of professors participating in the Education Research Group, including the Research Group Head, Vice President, Education Chairperson, Research Promotion Chairperson, and International Cooperation Chairperson. The chairperson is the head of the research group, and in the absence of the chairperson, the vice president performs the duties on his/her behalf. Article 6 (Meetings) The chairperson is in charge of the affairs and convenes the committee. A separate secretary of the Steering Committee may be appointed. Article 7 (Business Promotion Expenses) For the efficient promotion of business, the research group head and the deputy head of the research group may pay the prescribed business promotion expenses within the allowable range of indirect expenses, and the amount to be paid is determined by the research group head. Article 8 (Role) The Steering Committee deliberates on the following matters and decides on the overall operation of the Education Research Group. ① Establishment of annual business plan ② Performance management and evaluation of participating laboratories ③ Distribution of support for graduate students and appointment of new research personnel ④ Opening and closing of various operating regulations ⑤ Other matters necessary for the operation of the Education Research Group
Article 9 (Composition) The chairperson of the education committee is appointed by the head of the research group, and the chairperson is composed of no more than 5 members by appointing professors from the education and research group. Article 10 (Meetings) The chairperson is in charge of the affairs and convenes the committee. A separate secretary of the Board of Education may be appointed. Article 11 (Role) The Board of Education consults and decides on the overall matters of each of the following subparagraphs, and is in charge of the preparation of education-related areas of the annual project report. ① Establishment of graduate school curriculum ② Assignment of lectures for the efficient operation of the graduate school curriculum ③ Publication of educational books ④ Other education-related matters within the Education Research Center
Article 12 (Composition) The chairperson of the Research Promotion Committee is appointed by the head of the Research Group, and the chairperson is composed of no more than three members by appointing the Research Promotion Committee from professors belonging to the Education Research Group. Article 13 (Meetings) The chairperson is in charge of the affairs and convenes the committee. A separate secretary of the Research Promotion Committee may be appointed. Article 14 (Role) The Research Promotion Committee discusses and decides on matters related to the promotion of research power within the Education Research Group, and is in charge of the preparation of research-related areas among the contents of the annual report of the project.
Article 15 (Composition) The chairperson of the International Cooperation Committee is appointed by the head of the research center, and the chairperson is composed of no more than three members by appointing international cooperation members from professors belonging to the Education Research Group. Article 16 (Meetings) The chairperson is in charge of the affairs and convenes the committee. A separate secretary of the Research Promotion Committee may be appointed. Article 17 (Role) The International Cooperation Committee consults and decides on matters related to the internationalization of education and research, such as dispatching graduate students and young researchers to international academic conferences, holding academic symposiums, and promoting international cooperation projects, and Oversees the creation of the internationalization part of the study.
Article 18 (Collection of Information) The Education Research Center collects and manages the information of participating researchers for efficient operation and systematic management of projects, such as efficient budget execution, transparent project operation, evaluation of participating laboratories, and report writing. The Education Research Center complies with the privacy obligations and must obtain consent from all participating personnel in the Education Research Center to handle data containing personal information. Article 19 (Obligation to provide information) Participating researchers are obliged to provide information on the subject of management for the efficient management and evaluation of the Education Research Center. If you do not agree to the provision of information, you will be excluded from the support of the Education Research Center. Article 20 (Information subject to management) The Education Research Center receives and manages the following information from participating researchers. ① Information on participating labs: Current status of graduate students and new research personnel ② Research achievements: thesis, patent, conference presentation ③ Research grant order results: domestic institution research grant, industry-university research grant, overseas research grant order size, role ④ Information on internal and external academic activities (society, position, advisory, etc.) ⑤ Information on self-evaluation of research achievements of each laboratory Article 21 (Usage of Information) The information received from the participating research institutes can be used in the following cases as basic data for the efficient operation of the Education Research Center and the enhancement of the competitiveness of the participating laboratories. ① Comprehensive evaluation of participating laboratories (once a year) ② Graduating graduate school guidance status (admission, grades, research achievements, graduation thesis, etc.) ③ Evaluation of graduate students’ achievements ④ Management of research achievements and identification of research tasks of the Education Research Center ⑤ Identify the status of supply and demand for research grants ⑥ Establishment of internal and external publicity materials for the Education Research Group Article 22 (Management and Operation) Information provided from participating laboratories must be used so as not to contravene the management purpose while maintaining a transparent management system. On behalf of the Steering Committee, the head of the Research Group has responsibilities and obligations for the management and operation of the collected information, and the participating laboratory must immediately report any change in the information to be managed to the Steering Committee.
Article 24 (Participating Lab Support Expenses) The subsidy for participating laboratories consists of graduate student scholarships and labor costs for new research personnel, and is based on subsidizing 70% of the graduate students belonging to each lab for the desired lab, but balanced development of departments and all participation In order to provide even benefits to laboratories, the Steering Committee will additionally adjust the application rate for each laboratory according to the following standards. However, if the government subsidy is adjusted, it may be reduced or increased based on the total amount of support available. ① The maximum amount of subsidy for each lab cannot exceed 47.5 million won per semester (1.5 times the average subsidy for each lab) ② The minimum amount of subsidy for each laboratory is based on KRW 24 million per semester (based on 2 master’s students and 2 doctoral students) ③ Additional support of 10% is applied to the laboratory of faculty members less than 5 years from their initial appointment and for faculty members who have been 5 years from their initial appointment but less than 3 years from their appointment in the Department of Chemistry at the university. ④ The amount of support for each laboratory is adjusted by reflecting the results of the annual evaluation of participating laboratories ⑤ If the labor cost of new research personnel does not exceed 45 million won, it is calculated as 30 million won, and the laboratories must self-finance the amount in excess of 45 million won. ⑥ Based on the application rate reflecting the evaluation results of participating laboratories, excess or deficiency will be added or subtracted from the application amount for the next semester. ⑦ The amount of support for each participating laboratory can be transferred after consultation between the participating laboratories and with the approval of the Steering Committee. Article 25 (Internationalization Expenses) Internationalization expenses consist of expenses for participation in international symposiums for graduate students and new research personnel and expenses for long-term and short-term overseas training, and are managed by the International Cooperation Committee. Separate bylaws shall apply to support for overseas business trip expenses. Article 26 (Operating Expenses) The operating expenses of the Education and Research Center consist of administrative staff personnel expenses, performance pay for participating researchers, and event holding expenses. Performance pay is paid in consideration of the results of performance evaluation of participating professors, participating graduate students, and new research personnel. Other matters concerning the operation of event hosting expenses, etc. are managed by the Steering Committee.
Article 27 (Definition) New research personnel refers to research professors and postdoctoral researchers. Article 28 (Qualification Criteria and Appointment Period) The qualification criteria and appointment period of new research personnel shall be subject to separate bylaws. Article 29 (Assignment Procedure) New research personnel are allocated based on the sum of the scholarships of each participating laboratory and the labor costs of the new research personnel, and differences may be made by reflecting the evaluation results of each participating laboratory's contribution. The Steering Committee determines and announces the maximum number of new research manpower that can be hired every semester in consideration of the budget range of labor costs for the 『BK21FOUR』 project. . The Steering Committee comprehensively considers the research achievements and academic background of the recommended new research personnel to determine whether to hire them or not, and reflects them in the calculation of the scope of graduate student scholarships for participating laboratories. Article 30 (Selection, Management, and Support) The selection, management, and support of new research personnel follow separate bylaws, and matters not stipulated in the bylaws are decided through consultation with the Steering Committee. Article 31 (Evaluation) New research personnel belonging to the Education Research Center must submit to the Education Research Center for evaluation on the research results generated during their tenure, and may pay a performance bonus according to the evaluation result.
Article 32 (Evaluation subject) In accordance with Articles 18 through 21, all participating laboratories must submit research results, and based on this, the Steering Committee evaluates the participating laboratories, participating professors, participating graduate students, and new research personnel. proceed with Article 33 (Evaluation Period) Research results are evaluated annually based on the achievements up to December and reflected in the next year's budget formation and individual performance pay. Article 34 (Evaluation Method) The Steering Committee evaluates the research performance and administrative contribution, and the evaluation method is conducted according to the evaluation criteria of the 『BK21FOUR』 project. However, if new standards for annual and interim assessments are presented, the new standards will be followed. The specific evaluation score follows an asterisk. The performance of participating laboratories is evaluated based on the attached table to obtain the laboratory score, and the value divided by the support expenses paid to the laboratory in the current year is determined as the laboratory's converted score. However, in consideration of the administrative contribution of the Education Research Group, such as writing project plans and reports, a maximum of 10% can be added to the laboratory score. For participating graduate students and new research personnel, the excellence of individual thesis performance is evaluated. Article 35 (Reflection of Evaluation Results) Performance-based pay for research performance of participating professors in relation to the government subsidy is differentially paid based on laboratory scores. The criteria are as shown in attached Table 1, and individual thesis evaluations are made for participating graduate students and new research personnel, and incentives for excellent research achievements are paid according to attached Table 2. Award for selection ① Excellent thesis award: When research conducted during graduate school is published in an excellent academic journal, it is reviewed by the Steering Committee, and performance pay is differentially paid in consideration of the number and level of the excellent thesis award certificate and thesis. In principle, the selection criteria are full-time master's or doctoral graduate students who have published their thesis as the first author in an excellent journal for each research field. ② Outstanding teaching assistant award: Undergraduate students, assistant principals, and teaching assistant evaluation committee evaluate participating graduate students in charge of experimental assistants for undergraduate students. ③ Outstanding Research and Academic Award: The majority of graduate students in the master’s program and doctoral students in lower semesters may not have published their research results as a thesis yet. They are evaluated by presenting them through seminar time and various opportunities. Based on the evaluation of the research results and the credits obtained, the Board of Education receives the opinions of the advisor and lecturer and rewards them. Article 36 (Reflection of evaluation results) Performance-based pay for administrative contribution is evaluated according to the standards in Attached Table 3 for BK participating professors, and is differentially paid out of the tuition reimbursement funds once a year. Article 37 (Replacement of Participating Labs) In the event that a participating professor’s contribution to the Education Research Center such as education, research, internationalization, etc. is significantly low, or if he/she commits an act that significantly impedes the development of the Education Research Center, participation will be made after consultation with the Steering Committee. Labs can be replaced.
① This regulation is effective from September 1, 2020. ② This regulation will be maintained until the 『BK21FOUR』 business ends.
Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of these bylaws is to stipulate matters concerning the selection and management of new research personnel for the Education Research Group. Article 2 (Qualifications for Application) All new research personnel must work full-time. Eligibility for application is limited to those who fall under each of the following subparagraphs. ① Research professor: A person who has more than 2 years of experience in industry or research ② Postdoctoral researcher: Those who have obtained a doctoral degree within 5 years Article 3 (Application for Application) Apply through open screening or recommendation by participating professors. Article 4 (Required Documents) Applicants must prepare the following documents to apply. ① 1 copy of resume (with photo and list of research achievements) ② 1 copy of research results ③ One final degree certificate ④ 1 copy of research plan ⑤ One copy of each letter of recommendation from a person majoring in the same field, including a recommendation letter from an advisor for the final thesis ⑥ Utilization plan 1 copy ⑦ One copy of resident registration Article 5 (Selection) In consideration of career, research achievements, academic achievements, etc., selection, recommendation, and appointment are made after deliberation by the Education Research Group Steering Committee. Research professors follow the Yonsei University 『Regulations on the Appointment of Non-Full-Time Faculty, etc.』 For postdoctoral researchers, the 『Regulations on the Establishment and Operation of Affiliated Research Organizations』 shall be followed. Article 6 (Contract period) The initial contract is one year, and the contract can be renewed in units of one year. However, the contract cannot exceed the period when the 『BK21FOUR』 business is terminated. Research professors can renew their contracts for up to 4 years and postdoctoral researchers up to 2 years. Article 7 (Salary) The salaries of new research personnel shall follow each of the following subparagraphs, and may be increased in consideration of their experience and performance. All other matters are decided through the consultation of the Steering Committee. ① Research Professor: Annual salary 40 million won + 4 major insurances ② Postdoctoral researcher: annual salary of 36 million won + 4 major insurances ③ Severance pay is paid at the time of retirement in an amount equivalent to 1/12 of the total annual salary during the period of service if one has worked for more than one year. Article 8 (Support Matters) The following subparagraphs shall be provided for new research personnel. ① Support for thesis presentation for participation in international joint seminars and international academic conferences: Overseas business trips within 10 days for thesis presentation at academic conferences or joint seminars are paid according to Yonsei University travel expenses regulations. Report must be submitted ② Short-term overseas training support: After submitting a prescribed application form and going through the evaluation of the Education Research Group, the application is subject to participation in international academic conferences. ③ Support for moving expenses: In case of overseas residents, one-way moving expenses can be paid within the range of 3 million won. Article 9 (Status within the school) Research professors have the same authority and duties as full-time professors in the use of various school facilities. However, they cannot take on-campus positions and do not have voting rights at the faculty meeting. Postdoctoral researchers have the same authority and obligations as the full-time graduate school doctoral program at our university in the use of various school facilities. Article 10 (Renewal of contract) After the commissioned judges evaluate the research achievements within the term of office, they are recommended and reappointed after deliberation by the Steering Committee. For research professors, Yonsei University's "appointment of non-full-time faculty members", etc., follow, and for postdoctoral researchers, "regulations on the establishment and operation of affiliated research organizations". Article 11 (Cancellation of Qualifications) If you are employed at another workplace, you must notify us of this fact on the basis of the date of occurrence, and your qualifications will be canceled immediately.
① This regulation is effective from September 1, 2020. ② This regulation will be maintained until the 『BK21FOUR』 business ends.
Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this regulation is to stipulate matters regarding international cooperation and overseas training selection support for the 『BK21FOUR』 project of the 『Sustainable Chemistry Education Research Center』 (hereinafter referred to as the “Education Research Center”) of Yonsei University. Article 2 (Support) In principle, support for participation in international academic conferences and long- and short-term overseas training is provided within the budget calculated based on the demand survey. However, support for long-term international cooperation research projects and presentation of competitive research results at the international level is considered separately, and if necessary, support in the form of rewards is possible in consultation with the Steering Committee. ① Participation in international academic conferences: Graduate students or new research personnel participate in international joint seminars and international academic conferences together or alone with project-participating professors to present their thesis. go. Eligibility: Presenters of oral or poster papers at international academic conferences me. Contents of application: Airfare, conference registration fee, and accommodation fee (according to Yonsei University travel expenses regulations) all. Period of stay: within 10 days La. Number of applications: In principle, applications are provided once a year, but the number of applications can be additionally determined within the scope of the annual support amount for each laboratory. ② Overseas training: After submitting a prescribed application form and going through the evaluation of the project group, the application period is limited to 6 months Article 3 (Selection) In principle, equal opportunity is given on a first-come, first-served basis, and preferential support is provided for long-term international cooperation research and presentation of competitive research results at the international level. The International Cooperation Committee is in charge of international cooperation and overseas training selection.
① This regulation is effective from September 1, 2020. ② This regulation will be maintained until the 『BK21FOUR』 business ends.