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(Students who wish to withdraw courses should complete the withdrawal application form signed by the applicant, and the course instructors and submit the form to the Graduate School administration office within the application period.) DE@ $"h-<(hcT.hl4h :hBDE@@BC@1. ­ X DE@HhB2C@ (Use the attached withdrawal application form) DE@4NhB(C2.  0 : 2017.10.11.()<"2017.10.13() DE@LThBHC (Application Period : October. 11 (Wed.) ~ October. 13 (Fri.), 2017) DE@dZhBC3.  nj : Y PY (Ө 25) DE@|`hBDC (Place of Submission: Graduate School Office, 2F, Stimson Hall) DE@fhBC4. ­ XǬm (Remarks) DE@lhB C 1) P P Uxt ܴ DՔiȲ. DE@rhB;!C` (Signatures of the course instructors are required.) DE@xhBGC 2)  ̌ x <\ ­ `  P/-> ­̴ -> ­P ̌ (W) \( DE@h@BVC (Please confirm the record of the course withdrawal at the Yonsei portal site.) DE@0BDE@ @B C 2017. 10 DE@h@BC(October. 2017) DE@h@BDE@h@BDE@h@B C` Y DE@@@P@B"C@Yonsei University Graduate School DE@ @@P@B DE@,@@PpB C`̌ ­ DE@@@PpBDE@RB+ C`Application Form for Course(s) Withdrawal D E@` xx8BD E@LLdBD E@LLdB C1. ­x  (Student Information) D E@pB C  lbt D E@ G lbt"*!ZMH 4Q 4BC YՈ (Student ID No.) D E @0H -Q -BD E @)H |3Q |3B C @1 (Name) D E @/H *Q *BD E @&H 4Q 4BC Y (Department) D E @0H -Q -BD E @)H |3Q |3BC Y0 (Semester) D E @/H *Q *BD E @&H 4Q  4B C  (Course) D E @0H -Q  -BD E @)H |3Q  |3BC @} (Contact No.) D E @/H *Q  *BD E @&BD E@I@BD E@DB-C2. ̌lݹP  (Withdrawn Course Information) D E@IB C  lbt D E@YNG lbt"*8: ZMH `BC ļ D E @B C `(Category) D E @H `BC YȈ8 D E @B C `(Code No.) D E @H D`DBC `Y D E @HB C (Credit) D E @HH {.`{.B C ̌ lݹ P D E |*|*BC (Course Title) D E @` |*H  ` BC P D E @ B C (Instructor) D E @ H m#`m#BC P Ux D E @pBC (Instructor's Signature) D E p` pH lBD E @H lBD E @H D6 DBD E @HH {.6 {.BD E @|*H  6  BD E @ H m#6 m#BD E @pH D6 DB#C ̌֬ D E @HH r6 rBD E @nH l BD E @H l BD E @H D6 DBD E @HH {.6 {.BD E @|*H  6  BD E @ H m#6 m#BD E @pH D6  DB#C ̌֬ D E @HH r6  rBD E @nBBC@ ; ļ (Category):  (Major),  (Audit), (Supplementary) DE@NJR,B[C` ;  ̌   (No. of registered courses left after withdrawal): _______________ D YE@ۏR,BC@ DE@R,B D E@LLBC  @ t ______ YDij __Y0 D ̌Xଐ X$Ȳ }X 0 Ȳ. (The undersigned hereby requests for the withdrawal of the above course(s) for ____ (spring or fall) semester _______ (year).) D   EQ5QQB D E@BD E@7B1 C  | (Date) : D E@BR C@ x (Applicant):  (Signature): D E@7B D E@B C D E@7BDE@@BDE@W@BDE@@B$C8YP Y  DE@@@P@B#%C`Yonsei University Graduate School DE@@@P@